Like the prototype, the model includes a fancy brick false-front entrance (when new the actual structure was at the intersection of two major state highways) to draw customers' attention. The rear wall was also reworked with a different door and window arrangement, and parts for a window air conditioner and electric meter are included. The structure also sat on a cement block foundation, which is duplicated for the model. With different types of doors (sold separately) and some minor kitbashing, the basic kit, like the prototypes, can be converted into many other useful structures.
Builds Standard or Postwar Storefront Quonset Hut
Easily Adapted to Many Types of Businesses
Fits Layouts from 1940s to Present
Includes Side Windows & Corrugated |Metal} Inserts
Authentic Design & Detail
Add-on Window Air Conditioners & Electric Meter
Colorful Decal Signs
Molded in Three Colors and Clear Plastic