Luftwaffe benchmark fighter, 'Gustav' 6 variant with up-gunned MG 131 cowl MGs and characteristic 'Beule' blisters over the gun breeches. Kit features engraved panel lines and rivets, well detailed cockpit and engine (with full cannon breech), cowl-mounted machine guns, separate control surfaces/slats, optional position flaps, segmented canopy, separate nose cowling panels, drop tank, optional underwing cannon pods, vinyl tires and photo-etch parts (including seatbelts, seat bucket, rudder pedals, flap wheel, canopy armor and oil cooler face). Decals and color painting reference for 3 German aircraft: WNr 20499 'Yellow 1' of 9./JG52, Russia, October 1943; 'White 11' of 1./JG27 in France during 1944 and 'Red 29' of 1./JG302 in Finland, 1944 - includes instrument faces and stencil data.